As your partner in patient safety, we are driven by three core values; Perfect Products, Happy Customers, and a Winning Team. These three core values are at the heart of everything we do as we work to push design for behavioral health facilities to next level.
We’re pleased to continue our ‘Meet the Team’ blog series today as we invite Shelby Dauenhauer for a chat to find out more about her and her role at Kingsway Group. One of our dedicated Project Managers, Shelby is a core part of our fast-growing team who work tirelessly to ensure our core values are delivered and that patient safety is improved.

Hello Shelby, thank you for being part of our ‘Meet the Team’ blog series. We’re pleased to have you on board and part of our growing team here in the US! When did you first join Kingsway and how have you found things since?
Hi! I’m happy to be here. I joined Kingsway Group at the beginning of May 2023. So far, I am loving being a part of Kingsway. I am thankful for the opportunity to work with such an amazing group of people, with products to be proud of.
Before we get into your role as Project Manager, could you tell us a bit about your background and experience to date?
Sure! I’ve been in the door and hardware industry as a Project Manager for just over two years now. Before that I was in the Service Industry for 14 years.
What was it that attracted you to Kingsway Group?
What attracted me to Kingsway was the people. It’s easy to want to work for a company that openly shows their appreciation for their employees and is extremely passionate about their products.
What does a normal day look like for you as a Project Manager at Kingsway Group?
A normal day for me varies. As a Project Manager my position is to see the job throughout its life cycle- from beginning to end. Some days I make a lot of phone calls to track things down. Some days I have my nose stuck in a project pack or submittals trying to learn what I can about that particular job. It all depends on the job, and no job is the same. I think that’s what makes this position, sort of…fun! Staying busy, and the work is never monotonous.
What regions do you oversee in your role?
Currently, my role oversees Small Projects. Which can lead me to any part of the country. Eventually I will be working jobs in the South Central region, as I am located in Texas.
Since joining us, what do you think makes Kingsway different in our support for our partners?
I think our passion to improve our ever-changing products is what makes us different. We have wonderful products, with amazing people backing them, and we are humble enough to know when something needs to be corrected. I love that about us!
As a partner in patient safety, we exist to drive continuous innovation in design for behavioral health to improve safety and prevent loss of life. Following our three core values of Perfect Products, Happy Customers, and a Winning Team makes this possible. Which of our core values do you relate to most closely in your role?
I can’t believe you want me to pick just one! If I am being honest, I can’t have one of these values without the other. Perfect Products, is the most important core value in my eyes. Making sure our product is exactly what our customer needs, is the best thing we can offer. With Perfect Products, Happy Customers follow. But without a Winning Team we all would be nowhere. The team we have at Kingsway is so positive, helpful and uplifting. I have never worked with a company whose employees were all so happy and genuinely care about you and your family.
What is the most rewarding part of your role for you personally?
The most rewarding part of my role is the lives that we save seeing these projects through to the end. It is so comforting to know that, the hard work we put into the office and out in the field everyday, our products are saving patients, nurses, and doctors in hospitals all over the world.
Which members of the Kingsway Team do you work most closely with on a day-to-day basis?
I work most closely with Jeff Schuch, Justin Sumpter, Scott McCallum, Andrea Whitney, and Randi Hewitt. This is usually around how we can solve whatever challenge has come to surface. I talk to most everyone in the office when I can though. I work remotely, so I must catch up differently than most.
Thanks for chatting with us today, Shelby. To round off, what are your main interests and pastimes outside of work?
I don’t really get much time to myself lately, besides just being a parent and taxi driver for my kids. I love watching my stepson play Friday Night Football, and I do love to read. I usually always have a book or my Kindle not far from my person. Thank you for your time!
Like all our Project Managers, Shelby Dauenhauer is on hand to ensure your project runs as smoothly as possible. As your partner in patient safety, we are proud to be helping reduce risk in behavioral health facilities through our innovative products and winning team.
To find out more about how Kingsway Group can help your project or facility, speak to a member of our team today.