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Join us on February 14 for our next online Lunch & Learn event!

This event has now passed… If you missed it, why not book an online demonstration with one of our Project Consultants?

We’ll provide you with live 1-1 product demonstrations at a time of your convenience and discuss your project requirements to find the best solutions for your facility. Simply request a demo below and we’ll be in touch!

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Online Event addressing safety in behavioral health. The event takes place on Wednesday, February 14.


Topics we’ll be covering

Taking place remotely via Microsoft Teams, the upcoming session will address risk in behavioral health, covering the following topics:

  • The role of ligature alarmed doors in behavioral health
  • Our soon-to-launch KwikShip® service and how you can benefit from reduced lead times
  • The scope of our Ligature-Resistant Division 10 Products

As with our first event, we invite any questions you may have either ahead of or during the event.


Lunch & Learn Event Information

When: Wednesday, February 14, 2024, 12pm noon (EST)

Where: The event will take place remotely over Microsoft Teams. Sign up here to register for the event.

Who it’s for: The Lunch & Learn is catered for anyone within the behavioral health sector, including Clinical Teams, Management Teams, Architects, and those within Construction.

How to sign up: Fill in the event registration form and we will send you your event invitation!

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