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Mental Health Awareness Week

With today, the 18th of May, marking the start of #mentalhealthawarenessweek with its focus on #kindness, the team at Kingsway Group UK would like to show our commitment, and appreciation for all the NHS are doing at this time.

The Mental Health Foundation states: ‘We have chosen Kindness because of its singular ability to unlock our shared humanity. Kindness strengthens relationships, develops community and deepens solidarity.’ The kindness that we all have experienced during this time of extreme pressure has made us appreciate even more what our NHS community does for us – often without the thanks and recognition that they deserve.

One project that highlights this is the new S316 suite by the Camden and Islington NHS Trust, which is a new, purpose-built facility to enable people in a mental health crisis to get timely care and assessment in a dignified and confidential environment.

Currently the emergency departments of the Royal Free, UCLH or the Whittington Hospital are used as Camden and Islington’s health-based places of safety. However the busy, noisy environments of emergency departments are not best suited to supporting people detained under Section 136 of the Mental Health Act.

Evidence from other areas of London has shown that the rate of inpatient admissions is reduced by having access to the calm and quiet environment of a dedicated place of safety, located outside of Emergency Departments.

C&I Acute Divisional Director, Adele McKay, said: “We are really positive about the prospect of being able to offer this vastly improved environment to some of our most vulnerable service users. It will enable them to be rapidly assessed in a dignified, reassuring environment so that arrangements for the best care and treatment can be made”.

Kingsway Group, as thought-leaders in door systems for mental health, were chosen as the supply partner for this project and using our Design, Develop & Deliver process we were able to assist with a quality end project that can serve all.

Highgate Place of Safety

The Highgate Place of Safety is providing a confidential and dignified environment for those in need to receive urgent mental health care. Kingsway Group encourage everyone to consider their mental health needs at this time – check out:

Highgate Place of Safety – Care for All

Secure door systems with visually pleasing graphics to provide a calming environment to those experiencing a mental health crisis. Camden & Islington NHS Foundation Trust take positive steps to provide the best environments for their patients and Kingsway Group are pleased to assist in supporting their efforts.

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